In keeping with the ACNM Position Statement on Reproductive Health Choices that "every woman has the right to make reproductive health choices that meet her individual needs," this week ACNM signed onto a letter with ACOG - along with ANA, APHA, and 9 other national organizations - opposing H.R. 1797, a bill that would deny women safe and legal medical care by banning most abortions in the United States at 20 weeks after fertilization. The bill attempts to dictate care based on inaccurate claims about gestational age assessment and fetal viability, even in cases of severe and lethal fetal anomalies. ACNM recognizes that our members may have varying opinions on this issue. We welcome open discussion on this and any other sensitive topics on the ACNM Town Hall listserv. To join, go to the eMidwife Discussion Groups page under "Member Resources" on the ACNM Web site. Click on "Join the eMidwife discussion lists" link (members only), log in and select "ACNMtownhall."