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Workshops and Education Sessions

The educational line-up includes direct clinical practice matters, updates on changing state and national laws, regulations and quality initiatives, and ongoing efforts to improve access to safe maternity care globally. Attending the ACNM Annual Meeting is one of the best ways to learn about developments in midwifery and women's health and earn CEUs. Attendees can earn as many as 22 hours of credit.

Education sessions each fall under one of our 7 distinct tracks: clinical, education, global midwifery, the business of midwifery, research, the public perception of midwifery, and students.

Education Sessions

Explore all our education sessions and workshops through our interactive, searchable session listing.



WK01 Affiliate Leadership Skills Workshop
Tuesday, May 13, 8:00am - 12:00pm

This workshop is designed to help those in affiliate leadership positions develop the skills necessary to lead an effective and engaged membership. General topic areas to be covered will include: characteristics of leadership in an association context, cultivating member engagement to involvement, recruiting and leading volunteers within the affiliate, planning and decision making, and holding effective, successful meetings.

Fee: $25

WK02 Disaster Preparedness & Response Workshop for Midwives
Tuesday, May 13, 8:00am - 4:00pm
CEUs: 0.7 Pharmacology Hours: 1

Presented by: Karen E Hays

The ACNM Disaster Preparedness and Response Caucus offers this workshop for midwives who want to participate in local, national, and international disaster preparedness and response activities. Planning for unpredictable crises and participating as a volunteer health care provider in emergency settings requires unique knowledge, capabilities, and problem-solving skills. This workshop will promote acquisition of relevant basic disaster competencies that will prepare midwives to effectively protect and care for women and young infants during chaotic situations such as natural disasters or pandemic disease outbreaks. Midwives of all levels of experience (including students) are welcome in this workshop, which will include a variety of teaching methods and will encourage active participation.


WK03 Learning to Read Ultrasound Images
Tuesday, May 13, 8:00am - 4:00pm
CEUs: 0.7

Presented by: Cydney Afriat Menihan, CNM, MSN, RDMS; Anthony Lathrop, CNM, MSN, PhD, RDMS; Betty Kay Taylor, CNM, MSN, RDMS

This didactic workshop has been designed to provide midwives with the necessary foundation for performing and interpreting ultrasound exams. No prior ultrasound experience is needed. Topics include: images acquisition, fetal anatomic ultrasound landmarks for biometry, assessment of fetal well-being (BPP and AFI), as well as image interpretation practice session. THERE WILL BE NO HANDS-ON PRACTICE.

WK04 Helping Babies Breathe Master Trainer Workshop
Tuesday, May 13, 8:15am - 5:45pm
CEUs: 0.85

Presented by: Susan Niermeyer, MD, MPH

Helping Babies Breathe is an educational program to train birth attendants in resource-limited settings in the skills of neonatal resuscitation. The program covers immediate routine care of the healthy baby at birth; stimulation to breathe and bag-and-mask ventilation; improvement of ventilation and referral to advanced care when necessary. The workshop will prepare midwives with interest and/or current involvement in global settings to train birth attendants using innovative educational techniques and a low-cost, high-fidelity simulator.

Fee: $400, no student discount


WK05 Global Health Competencies: Effective Teaching Skills
Tuesday, May 13, 8:00am - 4:00pm
CEUs: 0.7

Presented by: Suzanne Stalls, MA, CNM, FACNM

One of the key skills that midwives can offer in the global health arena is that of strengthening the clinical sills of healthcare providers. In order to enhance these skills, the midwife must also understand how learning occurs and how teaching becomes effective. Come join us in a workshop designed to provide group-based practice and feedback about teaching and facilitation skills as participants are introduced to the concepts and their application to active, engaged learning. In order to attend the workshop, participants must first complete the modules online of ModCAL (http://reprolineplus.org/learning-opportunities/course/modcal-training-skills/take-the-course) and present the certificate of completion as they enter the workshop.


WK06 Labor and Birth in Water: How Birthing Women and Emerging Research Can Change Midwifery Practice
Tuesday, May 13, 8:00am - 12:00pm
CEUs: 0.35

Presented by: Sage Bearman, RN, MA; Jena C. Shaw- Battista, PhD, NP,CNM; Shaunette Meyer, CNM, PhD; Sharon Demeter, RN, CNM, MA, MS

Despite mounting data on the benefits and safety of warm water immersion during labor and birth, utilization rates in the United States (US) lag far behind those reported internationally. Relatively few US nurse-midwives offer the option of waterbirth, even when knowledgeable and/or supportive of the intrapartum care practice. This workshop will examine these discrepancies along with recent research on the use and outcomes of intrapartum hydrotherapy. Evidence-based clinical guidelines for labor and birth in water will be reviewed with examples from several US nurse-midwifery practices. We will outline key steps in beginning and sustaining the option of waterbirth, including interprofessional communication, stakeholder engagement, and practical strategies for overcoming barriers to implementation. Experienced waterbirth providers will describe "tricks of the trade" and review quality assessment and improvement activities to be considered. Presenters will also discuss findings from a new qualitative study of women'[s prenatal decision-making and postpartum satisfaction with waterbirth, with implications for marketing the practice and the midwifery model of care. A detailed resource list and sample clinical guidelines will be distributed.

WK08 Suture Building Refresher: For New Grads, and Midwives Returning to Active Practice
Tuesday, May 13, 8:00am - 4:00pm

Presented by: National Institute of First Assisting, Inc. NIFA and American College of Nurse-Midwives


First time partnership of NIFA and ACNM presents an all-day suturing workshop geared to new grads, and midwives who may want to refresh their suturing skills if they are returning to practice. Participants will review basic suturing skills: suture materials, instrument use, basic stitches, knot tying, visualization, and repair of childbirth lacerations. CNM and NIFA preceptors will assist with "hands on" practice. Workshop fee includes pre and post materials. An instrument set is available for purchase and the set is yours to take home. Personal instruments may be brought in, but are the responsibility of the participant.


Fee: $250, no student discount


WK09 Midwives in Medical Education: Toolkit for 2014
Tuesday, May 13, 8:00am - 12:00pm
CEUs: 0.35

Presented by: Edie McConaughy, CNM, MSN; Amy Nacht, CNM, MSN; Kari Radoff, CNM, MSN; Jan Salastrom, CNM, MSN; and Suzanne Seger, CNM, MSN

Is education your passion? Have you been asked to teach and wondered if there were resources on how to develop, implement, evaluate, and sustain a program? We represent over thirty programs throughout the country involved in medical and midwifery education.


In this workshop, we will share toolkits for the following topics: new program design and how to bill for services, Centering Pregnancy, obstetric intern mentoring- boot camp basics, training chief residents in leadership skills. And finally, how to incorporate teaching into promotion and job evaluation. Participants will receive a thumb drive with sample curriculums, evaluation sheets, worksheets as well as sustainability and recruitment strategies.


WK10 Vacuum Assisted Birth in Midwifery Practice
Tuesday, May 13, 8:00am - 4:00pm
CEUs: 0.7

Presented by: Phyllis Ann Clark, CNM, MPH

Assisting birth with a vacuum extractor is an advanced practice skill not included in basic midwifery education programs. It is not indicated for all practice settings or for all midwife providers. While vacuum assisted birth can be lifesaving and brain sparing for the baby and prevent unnecessary cesarean section for the mother, it is an operative delivery with attendant risks and increased liability for the midwife if there is less than an optimal outcome. This workshop is designed to assist the midwife to utilize the ACNM publication Vacuum Assisted Birth in Midwifery Practice to determine whether or not it is appropriate to incorporate vacuum assisted delivery into her practice. The workshop will give the midwife the opportunity for simulated practice of the skill, but certification of competency will require additional supervised practice in the clinical setting as determined by her collaborating physician(s) and the hospital where she practices that must grant her privileges to perform vacuum extraction. A short review of the mechanism of labor will be followed by an overview of the history and principles of the vacuum extractor, a review of the literature to assist in determining practice guidelines, and a summary of risk management issues. Factors needed to evaluate the appropriateness of midwifery use of the vacuum in the clinical setting and how to implement the additional skill into practice will be addressed. After demonstration, participants will practice the procedure in small groups using vacuum extractors with grapefruit, then with baby and pelvis models. A process for educating midwives to perform this procedure will be introduced and methods of evaluating the competency of midwives using a skill evaluation tool will be discussed. Fee for the workshop includes the ACNM publication Vacuum Assisted Birth in Midwifery Practice.

WK11 Legislative Action in 2014: Nuts and Bolts
Tuesday, May 13, 1:00pm - 5:00pm
CEUs: 0.35

Presented by: Laura Jenson, CNM; Patrick Cooney; Cara Kinzelman, PhD; Jesse Bushman MA, MALA

This presentation will be an in-depth review and discussion of how midwives can influence and generate health policy. Effective techniques to bring policy change at the local, state and federal levels will be reviewed. Legislative successes and shortcomings pertinent to women's health since the 2013 ACNM Annual Meeting including Health Reform and Maternal Health Legislation will be reviewed and discussed. Breakout groups will provide an opportunity for participants to work together in smaller groups to develop strategies for addressing specific policy and legislative issues. NOTE: Students attend for free! Advance sign-up required.

Fee: $25


WK12 Physiology and Management of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding and Endometrial Biopsy
Tuesday, May 13, 1:00pm - 5:00pm
CEUs: 0.35 Pharmacology Hours: 1

Presented by: Angela Deneris, CNM, PhD

Acute and chronic abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) and endometrial cancer are significant and increasingly common problems in a GYN practice. It is important that midwives providing care to women are knowledgeable in the evaluation, differential diagnoses and treatment modalities of AUB. New terminology and definitions of AUB from FIGO will be presented as well as indications, contraindications and technique for endometrial sampling and when to order ultrasounds to aid in the etiology of AUB. Pharmacology management and when to refer patients will be discussed. The session will include simulated practice of endometrial biopsy techniques with the most common devices. Case studies from the presenter's practice will be utilized to facilitate participants utilization of information into practice.


WK13 Mindfulness-Based Childbirth and Parenting: An Innovative Prenatal Education Program for Training the Mind, Body and Heart for Birthing and Beyond
Tuesday, May 13, 1:00pm - 5:00pm
CEUs: 0.35

Presented by: Nancy Bardacke, CNM, MA; Jane Gerlach, CNM, MS

Mindfulness-Based Childbirth and Parenting (MBCP) is a unique childbirth education program designed to teach the life skill of mindfulness-the awareness that arises from paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, with compassion and open-hearted curiosity--for reducing stress during pregnancy, coping with pain and fear during childbirth and enhancing affiliative connection in the postpartum period. Mindfulness is cultivated through regular meditation practice and the MBCP course has, at its core, systematic training in mindfulness meditation. MBCP was developed by Nancy Bardacke, CNM, who has now taught it to more than 1350 expectant parents in 70 courses over the past 15 years.

Numerous studies show multiple benefits for physical and mental health in those who regularly practice mindfulness meditation, including decreased anxiety and depression, reduction in chronic pain, decreased hypertension and insomnia, increased immune system functioning and more fulfilling relationships. Results from an observational pilot study of pregnant women post-MBCP showed a statistically significant increase in positive affect and mindfulness and a decrease in pregnancy anxiety, depressive mood and negative affect.

Given the accumulating evidence regarding the adverse effects of stress during the perinatal period, i.e. stress as a factor in preterm birth and the link between maternal stress and emotional, behavioral and cognitive problems in infancy, early childhood and beyond, reducing stress and anxiety among pregnant women through a mindfulness-based approach to childbirth education holds great potential. To date, rigorous randomized controlled trials of MBCP are planned or have already begun in the US, the UK, the Netherlands, Norway and Hong Kong and a robust national and international MBCP instructor training program is underway. Additionally, in an effort to reach diverse populations in the US, MBCP skills have been integrated into the CenteringPregnancy program through a pilot trial at San Francisco General Hospital entitled CenteringPregnancy with Mindfulness Skills.


WK14 High and Dry in the Rockies: Pessary Fitting 101
Tuesday, May 13, 1:00pm - 5:00pm
CEUs: 0.35 Pharmacology Hours: 3.5

Presented by: Ellen Craig, CNM, MS, FACNM; Martha A. Rode, CNM, BA

Pessaries are a safe and cost-effective treatment for women with POP (pelvic organ prolapse) and UI (urinary incontinence), and midwives are well suited to become expert providers of this non-surgical management. As the population of aging women grows and our health care system changes, midwives can expand their services, knowledge and skills to provide non-surgical treatment of POP and UI to meet this need. Studies have found that up to 30% of women have POP and UI, and that both conditions are underreported and undertreated. Midwives can offer the pessary as a valuable first-line, safe and effective option. Although pessaries have been used since antiquity, all too often women are only offered surgical treatment. The midwives teaching this workshop have developed a dedicated pessary clinic as part of a busy multidisciplinary urogynecology practice at the University of New Mexico (UNM). Since 2002, they have done fittings and provided pessary care to thousands of women.They actively participate in research, including an ongoing RCT on the effectiveness of quinalone gel in preventing bacterial vaginosis in pessary users. They have also conducted and published studies on patient satisfaction and successful pessary fitting and use.The UNM urogynecology division is one of 8 national academic research sites which make up the PFDN (Pelvic Floor Disorder Network), the group with the NIH studying pelvic floor disorders. Midwives Craig and Rode are indeed perpetually on a mission of "spreading the word" about pessaries; they have taught, with enthusiasm and good humor, pessary fitting nationally, internationally, regionally and locally. Providing safe and effective options to women is in keeping with our midwifery philosophy of offering choices and listening to women. This dynamic, interactive workshop will provide hands-on learning of the basics of pessary fitting and creative use of case studies for evaluation of women with pelvic floor disorders.

WK15 Anatomy of Contracts
Wednesday, May 14, 8:00am - 12:00pm
CEUs: 0.35  

Presented by: Nancy Jo Reedy CNM, MPH, FACNM

Contracts are an essential part of the business of midwifery. Confidentiality agreements, letters of intent, memoranda of understanding, contracts as employees/employers, educational program sites, business partners and practice owners are all part of todays practice. This presentation will dissect the common provisions of contracts in midwifery and prepare the participant to review, develop and evaluate the provisions.

WK16 Back In the Saddle: Review of Essential Midwifery Skills
Wednesday, May 14, 8:00am - 12:00pm

Presented by: Jessica L. Anderson, MSN, CNM, WHNP-BC; Kathleen Brown, MS, CNM ; Jennifer G. Hensley, CNM, WHNP, LCCE, EdD

This workshop is to assist new and seasoned midwives beginning or returning to practice. Didactic and hands-on for IUCs, FSE, IUPC, amniotomy, cervical ripening balloon, and EFM NICD.


WK17 Preparing for Obstetric Emergencies -Practice Makes Perfect (A Hands-On Workshop on the Use of Simulation to Improve Perinatal Outcomes)
Wednesday, May 14, 8:00am - 12:00pm
CEUs: 0.35 Pharmacology Hours: 1

Presented by: Jennifer O Fahey CNM, MSN, MPH; Susanna Cohen MSN, CNM

During this workshop, participants will review best practices in the management of four obstetric emergencies: hemorrhage, eclampsia, shoulder dystocia and cord prolapse as well as reviewing the principles and first steps in neonatal resuscitation. Interactive and immersive techniques will be used to practice and reinforce management strategies including simulation, task training and skills stations.

WK18 Are you hot or is it me? Management of peri- and post-menopause
Wednesday, May 14, 8:00am - 12:00pm
CEUs: 0.35 Pharmacology Hours: 1

Presented by: Angela Deneris, CNM, PhD

As women age they may seek treatment for symptoms of peri- and post-menopause symptoms. Midwives are ideal practitioners for women to turn to as women seek answers to these symptoms. Assessment tools and a variety of treatment options will be presented to improve the quality of life for women as they navigate this time in their lives. Pharmacological and alternative therapies will be presented.


WK19 Promoting Normal, Physiologic Childbirth in Your Practice Setting
Wednesday, May 14, 8:00am - 12:00pm
CEUs: 0.35

Presented by: Tanya Tanner, PhD, MBA, RN, CNM

This workshop presents the work of the ACNM Normal Birth Task Force and showcases how you can use ACNM materials to promote normal, physiologic birth in your practice setting. You will be introduced in detail to ACNM's "Normal, Healthy Childbirth for Women and Families: What you need to know" and create an action plan to widely and effectively disseminate this document in your own community. The ACNM BirthTOOLS Tool Kit will be demonstrated followed by a practice session to familiarize yourself with the contents of BirthTOOLS. We will discuss how to best use the tool kit in your institution to foster cultural and organizational change. The Policy subcommittee of the task force will present policy updates and educate you about current national quality initiatives related to normal birth. How to use ACNM's Benchmarking program to improve your practice will be discussed. Upon completing this workshop, you will have a personalized plan to promote normal, physiologic childbirth in your own practice setting and will understand how to best use ACNM resources to ensure your success.


WK20 Desire Disorders and More: Don't Ask..Won't Tell, What's a Midiwife To Do?
Wednesday, May 14, 8:00am - 12:00pm
CEUs: 0.35 Pharmacology Hours: 1

Presented by: Cynthia L. Martin, MD

Sexual function has not traditionally been taught, except marginally, in clinical medical education. This primer will review the sexual history and physical, usual female anatomy involved, evaluation of sexual pain syndromes, and the care of the menopausal woman with sexual concerns.

WK21 OB Triage: Evaluation of second and third trimester pregnancy complications
Wednesday, May 14, 8:00am - 12:00pm
CEUs: 0.35

Presented by: Jody Tennyson, MSN, CNM; Angela Wilson-Liverman, MSN, CNM, FACNM; Leilani Mason, MSN, CNM

This workshop will provide a review of the CNM role in obstetric triage and discussion of the evaluation and management of pregnancy complications in the second and third trimester. Case studies will be used to discuss a variety of conditions including gastrointestinal, renal, respiratory, and cardiovascular disease. Focus will be on presenting symptoms, differential diagnosis, appropriate work-up, and evidenced-based management and treatment.


WK22 Pharmacology Review and Update: Brains, Bladders, Bones and Bugs
Wednesday, May 14, 8:00am - 12:00pm
CEUs: 0.35 Pharmacology Hours: 3

Presented by: Alan P. Agins. Ph.D. ,President - PRN Associates, Ltd Continuing Medical Education; Jody F. Agins, MSN, RNP, FNP/GNP-BC, WCC, Nurse Practitioner - Tucson, President - Seminars for Healthcare Education Inc.

A review and update of the basic and clinical pharmacology of medications used for treating mental health conditions, overactive bladder, osteoporosis and infectious diseases.


WK23 Exam Prep Day 1: Content Review
Monday, May 12, 8:00am - 4:00pm

Presented by: Susan Yount, PhD, CNM, WHNP-BC; Julie Paul, DNP, CNM; Nicole Lassiter, MSN, WHNP-BC, CNM; Missi Willmarth, DNP, APRN, CNM; Kelly Wilhite, DNP, CNM; Nicole Rouhana, PhD, CNM, FNP-BC

This 2 day workshop will provide students and new graduates an opportunity for exam preparation. Day one will focus on the content covered by the AMCB certification exam. Experts in each topic will give students an overview of the content with an opportunity to begin formulating a plan of study. Day two will explore interactive case studies and practice questions on the main topical areas for the AMCB midwifery examination. Students can register for one or both days. At the conclusion of the sessions, students will have completed an individualized plan for continuing review.


WK24 Exam Prep Day 2: Cases and Critical Thinking
Tuesday, May 13, 8:00am - 4:00pm

Presented by: Susan Yount, PhD, CNM, WHNP-BC; Julie Paul, DNP, CNM; Tonya Nicholson, DNP, CNM, WHNP-BC; Missi Willmarth, DNP, APRN, CNM; Kelly Wilhite, DNP, CNM; Cara Busenhart, PhD(c), CNM; Nicole Rouhana, PhD, CNM, FNP-BC

This 2 day workshop will provide students and new graduates an opportunity for exam preparation. Day one will focus on the content covered by the AMCB certification exam. Experts in each topic will give students an overview of the content with an opportunity to begin formulating a plan of study. Day two will explore interactive case studies and practice questions on the main topical areas for the AMCB midwifery examination. Students can register for one or both days. At the conclusion of the sessions, students will have completed an individualized plan for continuing review.