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ACNM Midwives' Guide to Professional Liability, 3rd Edition

Midwives must be knowledgeable of the types of insurance policies that can safeguard their assets and partake in the right plan to provide maximum  coverage to avoid severe financial loss. This resource packet will help by covering topics such as:

•    Sources of professional liability coverage
•    Types of insurance policies
•    Advantages and disadvantages of different types of policies
•    Limits of professional liability

Midwives' Guide to Professional Liability, 3rd Edition

ACNM Leadership Competencies and SkillsPdfResource and Reference Packets
ACNM Midwives' Guide to Professional Liability, 3rd Edition Resource and Reference Packets
ACNM Technical Documents HandbookPdfResource and Reference Packets
Credentialing and Medical Staff Privileging Resource and Reference Packets

American College of Nurse-Midwives
409 12th St SW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20024-2188
Phone: 240.485.1800
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