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Student Representative to the ACNM Board of Directors
As approved by the 2008 bylaws, and passed by the BOD in September 2008, the Student Representative role to the BOD is as follows.

  1. Schools will be invited by alpha-order, beginning with the name of the academic institution as listed in the ACME accredited programs housed at ACNM.
    1. For the first position in this ex-officio (one-year) student representative role at the annual meeting in 2009, Baylor University was invited to submit a student name.
  2. In the Fall of each year, the next midwifery education program director in sequential alpha order by school will be invited to fill this position.  The school is given two months to make a decision as to their ability to name the student representative. If no student could be found, the next program in alpha-order would be asked, with the declining programs name going to the end of the alpha list. This should allow for the second program in line to know by January whether they can fill this role by the May annual meeting.
  3. Procedural rules understood at this time:
    1. The student representative would begin at the annual meeting.
    2. The student representative costs will be paid by ACNM in accordance with all other BOD member costs. (Including: registration, airfare, hotel, and per diem allowances).
    3. This ex-officio role is a non-voting role.
    4. The student representative may be asked to leave during any Closed Session Discussion.
    5. The student representative will be an active voice for midwifery students, communicating with them through ACNM social media and the eMidwife student listserv, and will engage in work with the Student and New Midwives Section (SANMS) of the ACNM Division of Education.
    6. The student will be an active participant in ACNM BOD meetings and receive disseminated information as allowed to ex-officio members.
    7. The tenure of the position will be from one annual meeting to the following annual meeting.
    8. A program may submit a name of a student who will become a first year graduate during their tenure on the BOD.
  4. The BOD may at any time reevaluate this new BOD role and process to enhance the nature of student representation.

[Members of the Task Force comprised G Breedlove (chair); Dawn Durain (BOD rep); E. Germano (Staff) and Angela Liverman (ACNM Student Committee Chair)]

Last updated August 2015

American College of Nurse-Midwives
409 12th St SW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20024-2188
Phone: 240.485.1800
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